First and foremost, congratulations! The universe brought you to this particular page for a good reason. Most likely, you have spent some time online researching narcissists, narcissistic personality disorder, and sociopaths gaining some insight into what you may be dealing with or have dealt with.
In a romantic sense, you might have experienced meeting a charming, attractive someone who, in the beginning, came on immensely strong saying everything you’ve always wanted to hear while showering you with the most thoughtful gifts. The constant adoring of voicemails, emails, text messages and Facebook posts brought your soul onto a magnificent cloud beyond the highest pedestal like you are the most amazing and beautiful person in the world.
You think you’ve finally found your other half— your real soul mate— your one and only twin flame. Nothing has ever felt this wonderful. All the imperfections are perfect because this person gets, sees, loves, and is falling for who you genuinely are. It all seems like a magical destiny until some time passes.
Out of nowhere, something feels strange. You feel off-kilter—like you’re doing something wrong because your other half is treating you differently. Now and then, glimpses of the person you first met appear with the hope that this “romance” will all return to normal until everything feels like it’s your fault. You find yourself continually making excuses because you want to believe you are still their “special one,” but deep down, you don’t feel good enough anymore.
Over time, your once compassionate counterpart becomes a cold and manipulative individual. You can’t help to doubt yourself and wonder, “What happened to the ‘great love’ I first met?” “What did I do wrong?” “How can I make this right?” Eventually, you feel entirely devalued, but because you have empathy and care about this person, you go to great lengths to please them until a horrendous discard phase happens to leave you with a horrible empty shell of a feeling to deal with.
It’s unbearable, like a vampire bit your neck and sucked the life out of your once vibrant spirit replacing it with toxic poison that corrupts every fiber of your mind, body, and soul. None of your friends understand what you are experiencing. Therapists may have tried to medicate you. You may even feel like you’re going crazy—like you don’t deserve to be loved. Well, that is the furthest thing from the actual truth—furthest because you had a situation with a narcissist and experienced narcissistic abuse. This self-projecting manipulation happens in romantic circumstances, work situations, family situations, and even friendships.
The biggest inspiration for creating Now Your Life was to produce this empowerment program to gain clarity and awareness of where you are now. Together, we realign your authentic spirit and work moment-to-moment around your present feelings within the five stages of grief:
This coaching dynamic not only focuses on what’s best for you in the present moment but also strives to expand on creative ideas that can make you shine.
As you may know, life coach Eric Casaccio empowered himself by creating Narcissist, a critically acclaimed award-winning film inspired by a personal, romantic experience with someone with narcissistic personality disorder.
Eric believes all your answers are already within, and inside those answers may just be some great accomplishments you never expected to achieve! With empathy, warmth, and, most of all, kindness, this empowerment program is ready to uplift, inspire, and guide you to your well-deserved peaceful path of enlightenment.
It’s not about what your narcissist said, did, or is doing now. It is about your authentic you because it’s NOW YOUR LIFE!
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